life motto

life motto

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's Inevitable

I'm speechless
but my mind is working

I'm resolved
I've made up my mind
I stand resolute

I'll wait till time ends
I'll wait till the end
I'll wait, regardless of the odds

I find it worthwhile

Don't think otherwise
nor be forced to do something
I don't want you to do anything
I just want things to go smoothly

Sorry for being an inconcivable bastard
but I stand true to my words
I am who I am, and not for what I've become

So sit back, and let time tell
For I still find hope in us
Trust in me, is all I ask

Give us a chance
I know that is a big effort from you
Decide, only
when the time is right

I hope and pray
it will work out well
I've given my all
I will never let go

I really, really do

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