life motto

life motto

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tag Again?

1. What is the relationship of you and her/him?
Friends so far LOL?

2. Your 5 impressions towards her/him?
Independent, Quick witted, Strong-willed, Sharp Talker, Deceiving? =)

3. The most memorable things she/he had done for you.
Handed me my wins on a platter when we played mind games with each other. *lala*

4. The most memorable things she/he have said to you.
*Don't let her GO*

5. If she/he become your lover, you will..
o.O Is this another one of your mind games? =_="
I know you'll read this!

6. If she/he become your enemy, you will..
Make her submit to me LOL!

7. If she/he become your lover, she has to improve on..
Have not gotten the chance to try yet, will update on this later on *HAHA*

8. If she/he become your enemy, the reason is..
She lost too many times on our mind games =)

9. The most desirable thing to do on her/him is?
Hmm.. I wonder.. *Horns growing from head*

10. The overall impression of her/him is..
Talk to her and you will find out

11. How do you think the people around you feel about you?
Annoyed *haha* Because of my sharp tongue!

12. The character of you for yourself is?
Dumb but not stupid? o.O

13. On contrary, the character you hate of yourself is?
My height =_="

14. The most ideal person that you wanna be is?
Myself now, too used to this body already.

15. For the people who care about you and likes you, say something about them.
Thanks for all the support, ups and downs, will be there for you as you had done for me.

Ten people to tag :
Pauline Sim
Amber Tan
Tristan Ng
Jocelyn Toh
Mabel Spykerman
Joon Jiet
Cason Cheong
Cheryl Ong
Beatrix Ong
Constance Yap

Who is no.2 having a relationship with?
Iker Cassilas, my son-in-law, as according to her *LOL*

No.3 a male or a female?
LOL, Guess bah!

If no.7 and no.10 were together, would it be a good thing?
Not really, one too relaxed, one too hyper-ed

How about no.5 and 8?
Couldn't imagine my cousin as a lesbian =_="

What is no.1 studying about?
Higher Diploma in Hotel Management, Option A, is this the full name of it?

Is no.4 single?
Sorry, Off the rack already

Say something about no.6.
Damn nice guy. Scared of me, physically and mentally! *LOL*
Because I kept testing his food knowledge and raping him at the same time as punishment ^_^

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