life motto

life motto

Friday, October 17, 2008

Loyalty, in times like This?

I'm sure
all of us
experience disloyalty
in a way

I've been listening
to so SO many people
doing this detestable act
over and OVER again

Why some don't learn
that loyalty is essential?
Trust, Faith in the other

Or is there none for times like this?

I still find there's hope
for loyalty in this world
that I'll never walk down this path

I can't bear to live
the fact that I've been unloyal
The guilt would had been so great
that it'll be unbearable to look
upon the eyes of the person
that I had betrayed

Are humans that greedy?
Looking for something else
while they had their hands full?

I've always been subject to disloyalty
As the matter of fact
Accused for an accursed act
Being caught in the wrong situation
While I had been the innocent by-stander

I did not do it!

Why people don't take my word?
Am I that untrustable?
Is it my nature itself
to draw conclusion from my random acts?

I've been subjected
for far too long
and don't intend to
be in that position again

If 'you' are reading this
trust me
I won't betray 'you'
'You' won't regret it
trust in me

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